- Carry a map, a whistle and a mobile phone.
- Preferably, also carry a compass, notepaper and pen.
- Recce the route a few days before, preferably with a back marker.
- Note hazards, problems, toilet points, etc, adjusting the route if necessary.
- On the day, introduce yourself and welcome new members and anyone walking with the Club for the first time.
- Appoint a back marker who should have a map and whistle.
- Be prepared to turn away inadequately dressed or equipped walkers.
- Give brief details of the walk, timing, refreshment stops and any hazards.
- Count how many you have.
On the walk:
- Stay in front but check you can see your back marker.
- Like ships in convoy, the pace is that of the slowest person.
- Wait while everyone crosses a stile or passes through a gate.
- Chat with newcomers.
Health problems:
- Anyone who feels ill should return to the start accompanied by two volunteers.
- In the event of fractures, heart attack, severe bleeding, etc. Dial 999, give your position.
- Stay with the injured until help arrives.
- Report incidents to the Club Secretary.